In this article, we will break down exactly what VVS diamonds are and if it is worth the price you often pay. Often times customers might spend a hefty fortune on getting extremely high clarity diamonds, but is it actually worth the cost? For all of your diamond and engagement ring needs, we invite you to contact Diamond Exchange today :).

Introduction to VVS Diamonds

The minute inclusions in a very very slightly included (VVS) diamond can only be seen under a microscope. VVS diamonds are eye-clean, which means that no flaws are visible to the unaided eye. VVS diamonds are one step below internally flawless (IF) diamonds on the clarity scale. There is a valid reason for this high asking price, according to jewelers and collectors: while they aren’t nearly as flawless as IF diamonds, their defects are still quite small and typically exceedingly challenging to see without some sort of magnification. The external look of a VVS diamond is never affected by relatively benign imperfections like pinpoints, clouds, internal graining, or feathers.

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    VVS Meaning

    Very Very Slightly Included, or VVS is a gauge of diamond clarity, which rates a diamond’s outward look and the number of imperfections or blemishes present. When a diamond is given a VVS grade, it signifies that its inclusions are so minuscule that they are not even visible at a 10x magnification.

    VVS grades are divided into two categories: VVS1 and VVS2, with VVS2 diamonds having somewhat more noticeable inclusions than VVS1 diamonds.

    VVS1 Diamonds

    VVS Diamond
    VVS1 diamonds are superior to VVS2 diamonds on the scale of diamond clarity and are the closest to what is known as an internally flawless diamond, which is exceedingly uncommon. Under a 10x magnification, the inclusions present in VVS1 diamonds are completely invisible. Any inclusions in a VVS1 can only be observed by a skilled eye under a strong microscope.

    A lab expert considers a few inclusion-related factors while deciding how to grade the diamond. Graders look at the size of the inclusion, for starters. In other words, the diamond would be graded worse than VVS1 if the inclusion is larger and is visible at a 10x magnification.

    VVS1 inclusions cannot be identified with the human eye. VVS1 diamonds look completely clear unless they are magnified more than 10 times by a specialist.

    VVS2 Diamonds

    Diamonds rated as VVS2 fall under the category of Very Very Slightly Included in the second degree. Under 10x magnification, inclusions at this level are hardly discernible—and that’s when it’s being assessed by a qualified individual. Even then, it typically takes enough time for a skilled eye to spot the flaws.

    VVS2 diamonds are rated based on the size, quantity, color, and placement of inclusions, just as VVS1 diamonds. When seen under a 10x magnification, VVS2 inclusions may be seen from the crown, which is a key distinction from VVS1 diamonds. VVS2 diamonds appear identical to VVS1 diamonds and even internally flawless diamonds to the unaided eye.

    VVS Diamond Clarity

    On the scale of clarity, very very slightly included diamonds come in third place (right after internally flawless and flawless diamonds). There are two levels of the VVS grade: VVS1 and VVS2, with VVS1 being the higher level.

    Diamonds with the VVS rating have minimal flaws. Trained specialists cannot easily see the flaws even with a jeweler’s loupe. As a result, VVS diamonds are consistently eye-clean. There are no flaws visible in the diamond when seen without magnification.

    Going lower on the Clarity scale is preferable because inclusions in VVS diamonds cannot be seen with the naked eye. For a lot less money, you can purchase an eye-clean diamond with a lesser clarity grade.

    Difference between VVS and VS clarity

    VVS VS VS clarity
    The size, kind, quantity, and position of inclusions are the main distinctions between VS and VVS diamond clarity. Inclusions in VS diamonds tend to be larger, darker, or more prevalent near the center of the table than in VVS diamonds. The totality of the inclusions, not simply their quantity, determines the inclusions’ clarity grade. A grade higher than VS (Very Slightly Included) diamonds are VVS (Very Very Slightly Included) diamonds.

    When the diamond is viewed under a 10x magnification, VS diamonds (both VS1 and VS2) have a few imperfections. While imperfections are more noticeable than they are in VVS diamonds, they are still challenging to spot under magnification.

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      • Diamond Exchange Houston

      • 4306 Yoakum Blvd #305 A

      • Houston, TX 77006

      VS diamonds typically have more inclusions, though this isn’t always the case. A VS diamond doesn’t necessarily have more flaws than a VVS diamond because a clarity grading takes into account the size, location, color, and the number of inclusions. For instance, a diamond’s inclusions can be larger or more pronounced, or they might be more centered in the crown.

      It is frequently impossible to distinguish between diamonds graded VS and VVS with the naked eye. Unless closely examined under a 10x magnification, inclusions in both classes are typically impossible to detect.

      Are VVS Diamonds More Sparkly?

      No, and yes. Clarity is not the most crucial aspect affecting a diamond’s sparkle or, more precisely, its “brilliance.”
      The cut is the most crucial component for enhancing shine. In general, a diamond’s light performance will be better the more proportionate and symmetrical facets it has. Because light will be refracted considerably more within a multifaceted diamond than in one that has fewer facets, round cuts are more sparkling than step cuts.

      Inclusions and flaws can interfere with a diamond’s ability to reflect light if they are significant enough. As is obvious, symmetry produces the best shine, yet flaws naturally cause a diamond’s symmetry to be disrupted. However, a diamond would need to have some rather noticeable inclusions for this to be seen.

      Step cut diamonds have a greater sensitivity to inclusions and flaws than round or fancy cut diamonds, but a VS step cut diamond will still be of extremely excellent quality.
      The answer is that VVS diamonds sparkle more than highly included diamonds. However, a VVS diamond’s differences from, say, a VS diamond won’t be apparent to the unaided eye.

      Concluding Thoughts

      A diamond is a significant financial commitment; therefore, it might be tempting to approach every aspect of a diamond with a “go big or go home” mentality. The grades used to categorize diamonds into the “best” and “worst” categories help us understand the four Cs, and it makes sense that the higher we can score on each of these grades, the improved our investment will be.

      Assuming everything else is equal, an eye-clean diamond (of any grade) will appear exactly like VVS Diamonds (yet will cost far, far less). It is advised to choose a VS Diamond (or lower) for maximum value without sacrificing a single ounce of beauty because inclusions and flaws in both VVS and VS Diamonds are only evident at 10x magnification.

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      4306 Yoakum Blvd #305 A

      Houston, TX 77006

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